Support and Maintenance
Logistics System

With support and maintenance services by Servus, we offer a bespoke service for your logistics system. In order to meet your requirements, after commissioning your Servus system, we also seek to optimise the efficiency of your logistics. From support through spare parts management to preventive maintenance, we provide customer-oriented support to ensure maximum system availability. In addition, innovative service products, such as 3D system visualisation or Servus data goggles, support the operation of your Servus system.

Hotline / Support

Whether a 24/7 hotline or individual call times, we can provide the right support package. A competent point of contact and quick response times are guaranteed.

Service and Maintenance

Servus systems are service reduced and energyefficient. With preventive maintenance we save a high plant availability.

Spare Parts Management

Uncomplicated spare parts logistics by Servus ensure a quick response and a high level of system availability.


Servus Smart Glasses

Servus Smart Glasses make communication between system operators and service employees child’s play. On-site images are projected onto the Servus service employee’s screen in real time, thus enabling a faster and more efficient exchange of information. Servus know-how is available on-site at any time. This completely new and efficient method makes it possible to respond more quickly and avoid on-site service calls.

Servus Web Portal

Constantly keeping track. The Servus web portal gives you an overview of the system status and provides support for your Servus system operations. Important data is transferred in real time by a unique 3D system visualisation. You always know where the goods are in your company. The result is short feedback loops and rapid troubleshooting.

SERVUS Webportal Support

Servus Support

Competent customer service employees are available at all times; they immediately start to find a solution for you. Servus also provides effective remote service. This helps to sustain system operations from a distance.

Furthermore, service technicians can run preventive system maintenance to ensure sustainable system operation and provide optimised on-site service. Our entire expertise is available at all times and directly on-site thanks to Servus data goggles.

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