Top Quality Logistics Consulting
At the start of each consulting project there is the workshop. Together with your part or project owners, our lean logistics experts discover the ideal state in logistics and production in the course of a two or three-day workshop – regardless of the product. In cooperation with your specialists, we analyse the current status of the material and goods flow along the entire value chain, check the general conditions and define the ideal solution for your logistics and production. You will be surprised with the efficiency improvements when Servus merges logistics and production into a single unit.
Tracking Down Your Material Flow
Not familiar with your own material flow? No problem. From our experience, we know that there isn’t a single company that fully understands its material flow. That is why it is worth investing in a workshop with our lean logistics consultants. We help to analyse the material flow, eliminate waste and subsequently automate the material flow. You can benefit from 30 years of experience in production automation at the highest level.
Eliminating Waste
The method of collaborating in a workshop to achieve the ideal state has proven its value over many years and has revealed astonishing improvement potentials. We strongly believe in this and it constantly demonstrates to us that the best results can only be developed in collaboration. And anything but the best solution cannot be our benchmark.
We Provide Consultancy to Global Players and Hidden Champions
For the best solution, we combine the expertise of our customers with our 15 years of experience in merging logistics and production across all industries. Our customers are primarily global players and hidden champions Our focus is thus exclusively premium. Take advantage of this!
30 Years Experience in Automation
Before we develop the ideal solution for your intralogistics with you, we need an accurate understanding of your processes. For this reason, an in-depth exchange with you is a fundamental prerequisite for the ideal solution. More than 30 years’ experience in production automation and over 15 years’ experience in the implementation of lean logistics solutions. Servus is a trusted partner in the implementation of forward-looking logistics solutions along a company’s entire value chain.
Customer Opinions
We are happy to advise you
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have at any time. Please do not hesitate to contact us.